Two years isn’t long, right?

Here we are. Again. It seems as though I’ve neglected this blog as I’ve always neglected my childhood diaries – a few entries here, a few page-rips there, before finally casting the once cute (and still ¾ empty) journal aside to replace with a brand-new overpriced Moleskine.

Not this time. Although I’m not a big fan of the URL I’m choosing to say “fuck it” and roll with the tacky name that sounds like a neglected column from the New Yorker. I’m no SJP when it comes to profound, stylistic writing – so lets leave that, along with fashionable blog titles, to the masters.

Yes, it is a meme, but it totally sounds like something Carrie would write in that column that somehow pays for her amazing apartment.

Melinda’s my name (whattowatchwhenblog is my shitty URL) and TV is my game. I’m back with new ideas, rants and political critiques that nobody asked for. Coming at you. ASAP. Right after I finish this gratuitous “look at me I’m blogging again”-post. Any second now…



(yes, I am most definitely keeping that signature)